jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019

Aruh-Ka - Scale 75 Ork Shamman

Hi guys. I'm not posting so much lately. We at Hydra Studio are working in a future project we expect to show you soon. While we can release it, I painted this mini, Aruh Ka, from @Scale75, as a commission job. I choose a colour scheme similar to the official miniature art box but applying a warmer lighting and a less fantasy colour gamut. For the skin, so protagonist in the figure, the I was inspired by the reflections and contrasts of the skin of people of colour, who have bigger shadow areas, and stronger smaller contrast in lights but transferred to a scale of greens. This personal decision was based on the fact that the features and shamanic aesthetics of the figure resemble these more than those of a caucasian person. Hope you like it.

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