lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Color theory applied to miniatures: Lighting

Hoy en Cursed Monkeys comienzo a explicar la teoría del color desde el principio: Iluminación. Si queréis leer el artículo completo pichad en al imagen.

"Los tipos de iluminación más comunes usados en la pintura de miniaturas son 3, luz general, luz cenital y efectos de luz direccionada (OSL)"

Pincha en la imagen para acceder.
Click on the image to access.

Today in Cursed Monkeys I start to explain the color theory by the beggining: Lighting. If you want to read complete article, please click on the image.

"Most common kinds of lighting in miniature painting are 3, general lighting, cenital lighting and directional effects as oriented source of light (OSL)"

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Thank you so much for reading this tutorial. If you liked it and you want to help keeping Arsies Studio working and posting more tutorials, Invite me a coffe or help me to pay the web's domain :)

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