viernes, 13 de octubre de 2023

Eternus, blade of the first prince

 I recently finished this Games workshop miniature painted as commission to fit with my old Magmatrax tribute (painted for the same customer).

It was a bit harder to finish as it has many parts that have to be glued together as it's common on the new GW's plastic kits, but that makes harder to flip the brush inside, anyway it was a pleasure to paint a mini like this and with this style again. Hope you like it.

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2023


 Hi all. I want to introduce to all of you the painting work on this small bust (about 45 mm) I digitally sculpted some years ago and never painted before.

It represents a custom image of Geral the witcher based more on the games and my vision of him in the books than in Netflix version. Hope you like it.

For sale. Contact me if you are interested.

lunes, 24 de julio de 2023


 During last month I was painting this 75 mm miniature based on Asuna's color scheme from Sword Art Online, an anime I used to watch with my daughter before sleep. The mini is great to it and it was a real pleasure to paint.

This miniature was for my personal collection and it's on sale if you are interested.

martes, 18 de julio de 2023

Underwater Diver WIP - PART 2: Miniature

 Hello readers.  If you saw my Underwater diver previously, you know how hard it was to accomplish and where it failed. But maybe, remembering every step can be usefull to somebody, so In this series of posts I'll write a simple step by step on my process. 

This one is the second and it's focused on painting the miniature

Hola lectores. Si habéis visto mi buzo submarino antes sabréis lo difícil que ha sido de completar y donde fallé. Aún así, recordar cada paso puede ser útil para algunos, así que en esta serie de post voy a escribir un sencillo paso a paso de las etapas que he seguido yo.

Este es el segundo y esta centrado en pintar la miniatura.

First step was to prime it with grisaille (a combo of black and cenital white primer). After that I sketched some lightpoints using pure white and a couple of shadow lines using some dark turquoise blue, and blend all of them with airbrush in a pale turquoise color.

El primer paso fue imprimar en grisalla (una combinación de negro y blanco en cenital). Después aboceté algunos puntos de luz con blanco puro y algunos planos de sombra rudos usando un azul turquesa oscuro, y lo fundí todo con aerógrafo usando un turquesa pálido.

I added some slighty tones of yellow on lights and purple on shadows before testing color scheme. I painted a couple of parts in a flat orange brown to test and I liked it

Añadí algunos tonos sutiles de amarillo en las luces y purpura en las sombras antes de testear el esquema de color. Para ello pinté con color plano algunas bases de color en un marrón anaranjado y me gustó.

As I'm looking for a clasic 60's steampunk look, I painted face and hair in an epoque style, also painting lights and shadows on the orange-brown leather with pastel tones, adding later some magenta on shadows to create more constrat and add a bit more of intensity.

Como estoy buscando un look steampunk tipo años 60, pinté la cara y el pelo en un estilo de época, pintando además las luces y sombras del curo marón anaranjado con tonos pastel, añadiendo después algo de magenta a las sombras para acentuar el contraste y añadir algo de intensidad.

I painted belts and bags in a old leather brown effect, adding a subtle point texture. Also boots and globes were painted in the same way. I'm not working too much on smooth transitions as the whole mini will be underwater, instead I focused more on contrast and definition with outlines.

Also used some purple to paint knee and hip details as rupture color.

Pinté los cinturones y bolsas en un efecto cuero viejo con marrones neutros añadiendo un sutil efecto de textura con punteado. Los guantes y zapatos se pintaron de la misma forma, pero debo decir que no me esforcé en exceso en obtener transiciones limpias ya que la mini va a estar completamente sumergida y pienso que no es tan necesario como el trabajo de contraste y definición, por lo que me centré en los perfilados.

También pinté los detalles del cuello y cadera en un tono purpura de ruptura.

Lately, knowing where the green and red leds are on the base, I painted some light effects on the mini to increase the reflections the leds are going to create, Both are on the back and below parts of the minis, so I do not worked so much on smoothing them as they are going to be hard to see directly.

posteriormente, sabiendo dónde están situados en la peana los leds verde y rojo, pinté algunos efectos de luz en la mini para acentuar el efecto que los leds van a crear. Ambos están en zonas poco visibles como la espada y por abajo, por lo que no dedique mucho esfuerzo a crear transiciones suaves ya que va a ser complicado verlos directamente.

Finally I glued the mini levitating on the base that is going to be explained in the 3rd and last step of this series.

Por último pegué la mini a la peana levitando, que será lo que explique en el tercer paso a paso de esta serie.

lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

Underwater Diver WIP - PART 1: base

 Hello readers.  If you saw my Underwater diver previously, you know how hard it was to accomplish and where it failed. But maybe, remembering every step can be usefull to somebody, so In this series of posts I'll write a simple step by step on my process. This first one is focused on how I built the base.

Hola lectores. Si habéis visto mi buzo submarino antes sabréis lo difícil que ha sido de completar y donde fallé. Aún así, recordar cada paso puede ser útil para algunos, así que en esta serie de post voy a escribir un sencillo paso a paso de las etapas que he seguido yo. Este primero esta enfocado en cómo construí la peana.

First step was to 3D design the submarine door I used in the background. I used as example a plain image I found on google and replied it in 3D using a very simple program that Windows has preintalled: 3d Builder, who is perfect for simple shapes.

El primer paso fue diseñar en 3D la puerta de submarino que he utilizado en el fondo. Usé como ejemplo una imagen plana que encontré en google y la repliqué en 3D usando un programa muy simple que viene preinstalado en Windows: 3D builder, que es perfecto para formas sencillas.

With a 3D printer help I casted the door and placed it over a plasticard plane with the size of my background, and made a hole that fits the window.

Con ayuda de una impresora 3D sacamos la puerta y la coloqué sobre una lámina de plasticard del tamaño de mi fondo en la que hice un agujero que encaja con la ventana.

I did a hole in the plint's base to fit the bateries and the switch

Vacié un agujero en la base de la peana de madera para esconder las pilas y el interruptor.

In the upper side of the plint I placed the plasticard background's position and drilled a hole to the batteries one. I'll use it to pass the wires.

En la parte de arriba de la peana situé la posición del fondo de plasticard y taladré un agujero hasta el otro de las pilas. Lo usaré para pasar los cables por ahí.

So those are the plasticard pieces I'll use to make a cage to the electrical parts. I also glued some metal hexagon sheet to add some texture visible trought the window.

Estas son las piezas que usaré para la caja que contendrá la electrónica. Además he pegado una lámina hexagonal metálica que será visible a través de la ventana de la puerta.

So that's the idea. I'll glue it later, now I should place the wires and test it.

Esta es la idea. Pero no lo pego aún, tengo que colocar el cableado y probar que funciona.

I'll place 3 leds, one red over the door, one green in the floor and one warm white inside the cage to light up the inside of the window. I'll also use 2 small batteries and I need to cut a cover to the batteries hole.

Voy a colocar 3 leds, uno rojo sobre la puerta, uno verde en el suelo y uno blanco cálido dentro de la caja para iluminar el interior visible a través de la ventana. Voy a usar 2 pilas de botón y necesito cortar una tapa para el compartimento de las pilas.

I painted the inside's background on some easy copper color. I didn't worked so much as it's going to be not very noticiable. The batteries cover fit's great and looks very good with some felt in the base.

He pintado el interior de la caja de un color cobre, pero no lo he trabajado demasiado porque apenas se va a ver a través de la ventana. La tapa de las baterias se ve genial con un poco de fieltro que he pegado en la base.

I painted the backround and the door on a blueish grey, with some scratches and some light effect on the led's place to increase the effect it's going to have.

He pintado el fondo y la puerta en un tono gris azulado con algunos desperfectos, además he añadido un pequeño efecto de luz donde va a ir situado el led para potenciar su efecto.

Seems everything works perfectly so I can go to the next step. Looks good till now uh?

Parece que todo funciona perfectamente así que puedo proceder al siguiente paso. ¿De momento se ve bastante bien eh?

Using some milliput stuff I covered the wires and built a natural earth floor with a couple of rocks. Also I added a lamp to fit the green led so It act natural.

Usando algo de masilla milliput cubro los cables y construyo algo de suelo terroso natural con un par de rocas. Además añado la estructura de una lampara donde va el led verde de forma que la iluminación se vea natural.

Painting the floor on gredish colors that fit the backround and adding some aquarium plants repainted gives the base a totally differenty and alive feeling!

¡Pintar la base en tonos grisáceos que entonen con el fondo y añadir algunas plantas de acuario repintadas le da un aspecto totalmente vivo y diferente a la base!

That's all for now, In the next chapter I'll paint the miniature to fit an underwater ambience using basically blue tones and a couple of rupture colors. hope you like it and see you soon.

Esto es todo por ahora, en el próximo capítulo pintaré la miniatura para que encaje en una ambientación submarina usando básicamente tonos azules y un par de colores de ruptura. Espero que os guste y nos vemos pronto!.

viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

Underwater diver

 This is a special failed project for me. I wanted to do something unusual with a miniature I was painting as challenge with a friend (Mayart Miniatures). This steampunk astronaut was perfect to re imagin as an underwater diver loosing her helmet, and completely cover with artificial water.

Very risky yeah, you'll never know how epoxi resin is going to react, so not happy enought with that risk, I also added an  electrical component adding 3 leds to the scene, so also I needed to keep dry at least the wires sections.

Unfortunately it went not as good as expected. The walls broke while epoxi was curing due extreme heat so the mini and the background become damaged, also several huge bubbles appear in the middle of the scene due epoxy drain.

I was able with lot of hard work to repair the scene at least to become showable, also lot of learning here for future works.


Este proyecto fallido es especial para mí. Quería hacer algo diferente con una miniatura que estaba pintando como reto con una amiga (Mayart Miniatures). Esta astronauta steampunk era perfecta para re imaginarla como una buzo que ha perdido su casco bajo el agua, y cubrirla completamente con agua artificial.

Es algo muy arriesgado porque nunca sabes como va a reaccionar la resina epoxi, pero no contento con eso, decidí ir aún más lejos y añadir un componente eléctrico con 3 leds en la escena, por lo que además debía mantener seca al menos las secciones donde hubiese cableado.

Desafortunadamente las cosas no salieron como deberían. Los muros se partieron durante el curado de la epoxi debido al calor extremo que genera la reacción química por lo que tanto la mini como el fondo resultaron dañados. Además se formaron unas burbujas enormes ene l centro de la escena por drenado de resina.

Conseguí repararla parcialmente después de mucho trabajo para que la menos este presentable. También he aprendido mucho para futuros trabajos.

viernes, 14 de abril de 2023


Original collection piece sculpted by Joaquin Palacios based on the Artwork from Paolo Parente. 

A very special piece and a chance to paint one exclusive piece, painted excepcionally previously by Arnau Lazaro. Hope you like my version too!

viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023


 He was the first of his kind, and is the last of the Cythai still alive. All Ionrach bow before him, their one acknowledged leader, the eldest and greatest of their race. He is Volturnos, High King of the Deep, and he holds undisputed authority at the Idoneth’s assembrals. He rides to battle atop his Deepmare Uasall, and sends a surge of pride coursing through all who fight beneath him. A leader of legendary status, it is said that none can read the flow of battle better than Volturnos. He carries a sword known as the Astra Solus, which cuts through armour with ease, leaving a blazing trail of luminescence; and a shield which can swallow hostile magic, rendering it null – Volturnus is not content to lead his troops from afar.

Volturnos was a commission work I did some months ago and now rest on a private showcase. Not only I trtied to achieve a great color intensity, also I worked on fish texture using some "metallic dust" effect on the seahorse (or wahtever it is). Unfortunately is not noticeable so much in pictures offering a much better reflects in real life. 

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

Arsies' Painting Toolbox Spanish OUT OF STOCK

 Yesterday the last unit of Arsies' Painting Toolbox in spanish was sold, so, as a discontinued product, is out of stock and will be no longer available for sale. Thank you so much to all of you who trusted me to learn a bit about miniature painting. Still a few english books in stock.

Ayer se vendió la última unidad de Arsies' Painting Toolbox en español, por tanto, como producto descatalogado y sin stock, no volverá a estar disponible para venta. Muchas gracias a todos los que habéis confiado en mí para aprender alguna cosa sobre pintar miniaturas. Aún tengo unos pocos ejemplares en inglés.

viernes, 3 de marzo de 2023

Ajax the great

 The alien threat is getting closer to the Human Sphere and, to defeat it, action must be taken quickly. That is why the A.I. Aleph created the sectorial army of the Mirmidons, great soldiers full of strength and passion. Among them stands out Ajax The Great, a character created by Aleph and inspired by Achilles.

This miniature was painted some time ago, started during a workshop and finished later some time after. I entered to Leganes contest in 2020 (last time I entered to a contest) and won silver at master fantasy painting. For some reason It was not posted yet.

It's a 90mm miniature from Luxumbra's range (based on Infinity the game). I remember it was a pleasure to paint and one of my fauvorite paintings last years. Hope you like it too.