No obstante he creido conveniente hacer definitiva la migración de una a otra y he por tanto añadido la información y funcionalidades de la vieja web en php al blog que estais leyendo actualmente.
La dirección antigua ( seguirá activa puesto que me ofrece un gran espacio de almacenamiento para las multiples fotografias que tomo durante mi trabajo, sin embargo la página principal muestra únicamente el logo del estudio y redirecciona al blog directamente.
Espero que este cambio sea del agrado de todos. Podeis ver toda la información migrada y acondicionada en las nuevas pestañas de página que se situan arriba justo debajo de la cabecera.
Muchas gracias.

I had my older webpage forgotten since some time ago because the easiest way to maintenace that blog gives to me, but i was not able to jump to this way entirely because my old page had a lot of information stored.
But at last i thought that it would be better if i finally do the migration from the other one to this one so I updated all the info stored in the last php web to this blog you are reading at this moment.
The older URl ( is still working because it offers to me a lot os storing space to the many amounth of pictures i take during my work, however the main page only shows the studio's logo and redirects directly to the blog.
Hope this change could be great for all. You can see all the information migrated and optimized in the new page links upside, just near the heading.
Thank you very much.
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