martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

ZBRUSH: Posing of the character

There are two ways to continue the sculpture process once you have the blocking in Zbrush: you can pose the character now and sculpt detail later or you can detail it now and pose it later.

How are you going to proceed is always up to you. Usually, easy poses are finished in "T pose" and pose it later. If you want some more complexity then you should pose it now with not so much elements and finish it later.

Why do one or another? sculpting in "T-pose" is easier as you can work with symmetry so, in fact, you are only sculpting the half model. but later you are going to have a very dense model to pose it and it's going to be hard for your computer and maybe hard for you to see if anatomy is working as it's supposed to do.

This time I chose to pose it now. I was traditional sculptor before digital, so I'm used to fixing everything in its final pose. Also, it's normal that something becomes broken in this step, so if your details are low poly or easy, it's easier to repair them at this point.

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