lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Grey knights

Como sabéis he posteado poco este mes, esto es debido a que he estado coupado recuperando el tiempo perdido en navidad.

Las primeras miniaturas del año son estos caballeros grises del ejercito que estoy pintando para un coleccionista. Este además es mi primer freehand complicado del año, espero que os guste!


As you know this month I didn't posted so much. That was because I was too busy recovering lost time in christmas!

First mianitures of the year are those grey knights for the army I'm painting for a collector. This is my first complicated freehand of the year too, hope you like it!

1 comentario:

  1. Really nice. I like the overall look of the unit, but the banner steals the thunder of the squad.... Simply a really cool freehand.


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